Search results : 65 Refine your search Results display : Short Long « Previous 1 2 Next » IRIS 2005-9:1/35 [SI] Referendum on New Broadcasting Law IRIS 2005-6:1/36 [SI] Media Bill Tabled IRIS 2004-7:1/30 [SI] Act on Public Usage of the Slovenian Language IRIS 2004-6:1/34 [SI] Freedom of Expression and Media in the Constitution IRIS 2004-6:1/33 [SI] Steps towards Cut-off of Analogue Television IRIS 2004-6:1/31 [SI] Criticism of the Agreement between the Regulating Authorities and the TV Broadcasters IRIS 2004-5:1/25 [SI] Copyright Act Adopted IRIS 2004-5:1/23 [SI] Changes to Media Act Adopted IRIS 2003-1:1/34 [GR] SEE Cinema Network IRIS 2002-8:1/1 Update on Signatures and Ratifications of Relevant Treaties IRIS 2001-8:1/27 [SI] Telecommunication and Broadcasting Regulators Merged IRIS 2001-5:1/23 [SI] Parliament Passed New Law on Telecommunications IRIS 2001-2:1/2 Eurimages: Slovenia Joins EURIMAGES IRIS 2001-1:1/25 [SI] POP TV/KANAL A Merger IRIS 2001-1:1/24 [SI] Need for a New Media Law? IRIS 2000-4:1/22 [SI] The Draft of The New Media Law Set for First Reading IRIS 1999-9:1/6 Council of Europe: European Convention on Transfrontier Television IRIS 1999-8:1/26 [SI] Redefining Position of Public Service Broadcaster IRIS 1998-6:1/27 [SI] Revision of Media Legislation IRIS 1997-6:1/29 [SI] Proposal to Amend Media Law IRIS 1996-9:1/11 State of Signatures and Ratifications of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television: second update (until 1 October 1996) IRIS 1996-7:1/32 RECTIFICATION: Wrong listing of when States became Party to the Convention relating to the distribution of programme-carrying signals transmitted by satellite (IRIS 1996-5: 8) IRIS 1996-1:1/16 [SI] New copyright law IRIS 1995-1:1/32 [SI] New legislation for the mass media IRIS 1995-1:1/31 [SI] New Legislation on Radio Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia) « Previous 1 2 Next »