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IRIS 2024-3:1/15 [IT] Protection of minors: AGCOM intervenes to remove videos from TikTok

Following an intervention by the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM), the video-sharing platform TikTok, based in Ireland, has proceeded to remove several videos from its platform, all related to the so-called "French scar". The videos identified involve challenges (or so-called challenges) related to the phenomenon known as the "French scar" where very young participants intentionally bruise themselves and create red marks by squeezing the skin of their cheeks around the cheekbones. The purpose behind this practice is to pretend to have been involved in a physical altercation...

IRIS 2024-2:1/26 [IT] Italian Communications Authority releases guidelines on influencers to ensure compliance with rules and principles governing audiovisual media services

On 10th January 2024, the Italian Communication Authority (AGCOM) issued, by resolution no. 7/24/CONS, some long-awaited guidelines to urge compliance with the Audiovisual Media Services Code (‘TUSMA’, Legislative Decree no. 208/2021) by influencers (‘Guidelines’). The resolution also established a technical group of experts. The release of the Guidelines follows the increase in the online dissemination of content by various subjects having control over the creation, fabrication or organisation of the same, commonly known as ‘influencers’. According to...

IRIS 2024-1:1/12 [IT] AGCOM adopts new sanctioning measures against Google and Twitch

On 5 December 2023, the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM), adopted three significant measures against major video-sharing platforms for violating the Italian prohibition on advertising games with cash prizes. Italian regulations prohibit any such form of direct or indirect advertising conducted on any transmission platform, including social media. In particular, with Resolution No. 317/23/CONS, Google Ireland Ltd. was fined EUR 2 250 000 (for the third time), and with Resolution No. 318/23/CONS, Twitch Interactive Germany GmbH was fined EUR 900 000 for violating the prohibition on gambling...

IRIS 2024-1:1/13 [IT] AGCOM adopts a regulation on video-sharing platforms

The Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM), with Resolution No. 298/23/CONS of 22 November 2023, has adopted, following the public consultation initiated with Resolution No. 76/23/CONS (see IRIS 2023-5:1/5), a regulation that establishes rules aimed at protecting minors and consumers from harmful content disseminated on digital video-sharing platforms (VSPs). The regulation, which will come into effect on 8 January 2024, defines the procedures through which AGCOM can restrict the circulation of content intended for the Italian public, issuing an order to to the hosting platforms requiring...

IRIS 2023-9:1/11 [IT] AGCOM appointed as Italian Digital Services Coordinator

In accordance with Article 49, paragraph 2, of Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on digital services (DSA), the Italian legislator has designed the Italian Communications Regulatory (Agcom) as Digital Services Coordinator (Article 15 of the law decree of 15 September 2023, n. 123 entitled "Urgent measures to combat youth hardship, educational poverty and juvenile crime, as well as for the safety of minors in the digital environment"). Agcom has to guarantee the effectiveness of the rights and the obligations established by the...