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IRIS 2018-9:1/23 [HR] New law on audiovisual activities

The Croatian Parliament has recently adopted the new Law on Audiovisual Activities (Zakon o audiovizualnim djelatnostima). This Law concerns the promotion of the production of audiovisual works. The Law, published in the Official Gazette No. 61 of 11 July 2017, amends the definitions of audiovisual activities and audiovisual works so that they include video games, thus creating the legal framework for the further development of one of the most fast-moving segments of the audiovisual industry. Specifically, the Law: - introduces mechanisms of self-regulation and co-regulation to address certain...

IRIS 2018-9:1/22 [HR] Constitutional Court decision on CRTA's conformity with the Constitution

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia has not accepted six proposals for initiating the procedure for assessing the conformity of Articles 33 (2), 34, 35 and 36 (1) of the Croatian Radio-Television Act (CRTA) with the Croatian Constitution. All the submitters, in essence, contested the obligation (stipulated under the CRTA) for owners of broadcast receivers without exception to pay the radio and television licence fee in a standard amount of 80 Kuna per month and regardless of their financial capabilities. They complained that the fee therefore contravenes Article 51 (1) of the Croatian...

IRIS 2018-7:1/21 [HR] Campaign “For Higher Visibility of Women’s Sports in Electronic Media”

2 May 2018 saw the launch of the first part of a campaign within the project “For Higher Visibility of Women’s Sports in Electronic Media”. As a part of the campaign, which lasted for two weeks, two video spots and two radio spots were broadcast on numerous radio and television stations in the Republic of Croatia. The purpose of the project is to affirm women’s sports in society, especially team sports, and to encourage wider media coverage of them, thereby raising the awareness of the importance of the visibility of women’s sports in media. The promotional campaign aims to ensure higher visibility...

IRIS 2018-4:1/26 [HR] Safer Internet Day

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM), in partnership with the Center for Missing and Abused Children, the Faculty of Education in Osijek, the City of Osijek and VIPnet L.t.d. and with the support of the Government’s Office for Cooperation with NGOs, organised a central national celebration of the international Safer Internet Day. On that occasion, a brochure entitled "How to Protect a Child in the World of Internet, Network Technologies and Mobile Phones" was presented to the public. The brochure offers practical and useful information on possible Internet hazards as...

IRIS 2018-4:1/25 [HR] The Electronic Media Council calls for the reduction of intolerant and offensive speech in the media

The Electronic Media Council calls for the reduction of intolerant and offensive speech in the media. Based on the legal framework of the Electronic Media Act, the Electronic Media Council has concluded that in 37 reported cases of possible hate speech in electronic publications and television and radio programmes in the Republic of Croatia in 2017, there were no actual cases of hate speech. However, it can be concluded that there was a lot of offensive and impassioned speech. The Council and the Agency for Electronic Media will continue to work proactively on this issue. This year, they will organise,...