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IRIS 2023-7:1/24 [FR] Senate’s film industry information task force issues 14 proposals, including support for national online distributors

A report drawn up by the film industry information task force, created by the French Senate’s Cultural Affairs Committee to assess the current situation and, more importantly, map out future prospects for the film industry, was adopted on 24 May 2023. In its report, the task force notes that the standard of French film-making must be maintained at a high level, in particular in a world in which distribution technologies and channels are evolving at lightning speed. In order to enable the film industry and cinemas to adapt and continue to play their dual role of promoting and showcasing...

IRIS 2023-6:1/9 [FR] Government publishes extensive Digital Safety and Regulation Bill

On 10 May, the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty and the Minister Delegate for the Digital Transition and Telecommunications presented the Digital Safety and Regulation Bill to the Council of Ministers. Containing 36 articles split into eight sections, this extensive piece of legislation aims to strengthen the “protection of minors online” and of “citizens in the digital world”, “confidence and competition in the data economy”, “the governance of digital regulation” and “monitoring of personal data processing...

IRIS 2023-6:1/10 [FR] Senate adopts bill to regulate influencer marketing and combat abuses by influencers on social networks

Following its adoption by the National Assembly on 30 March, the Senate has adopted, with amendments, the bill to regulate influencer marketing and combat abuses by influencers on social networks. The bill aims to regulate influencer marketing on social networks and the status of influencers and influencer agents in order to combat the spread of misleading or fraudulent commercial practices on the Internet. In an open session, the senators clarified the relevant legal framework in particular, pointing out that the existing rules governing advertising and promotion already apply to influencer...

IRIS 2023-6:1/15 European Court of Human Rights (Grand Chamber) : Sanchez v. France

On 15 May 2023 the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has confirmed its earlier Chamber finding of 2 September 2021 in the case of Sanchez v. France. The ECtHR found that the criminal conviction of a politician for failing to promptly delete hate speech, that was posted by others, from his public Facebook account, did not violate the right to freedom of expression as guaranteed under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The Grand Chamber of the ECtHR confirms that imposing criminal liability on internet intermediaries is capable of having chilling...

IRIS 2023-6:1/23 Belgian, German, French, British and Cypriot media regulators form international working group on age verification

On 24 March 2023, in order to meet the challenges of protecting young people in the media in the 21st century, media regulators from Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Cyprus set up an international working group on age verification, which will meet regularly to exchange information about topical issues related to youth protection in the media. They published a joint statement that sets out the main elements of their future cooperation. The working group’s current members are the French Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique...