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IRIS 2023-10:1/16 [FR] Publication of addendum to agreement amending media chronology

On 25 September, an addendum to the agreement amending media chronology of 24 January 2022 was adopted, providing for two experiments on the blackout period stipulated in the co-exploitation agreement between free-to-view television channels and subscription-based on-demand audiovisual media services. The Minister of Culture implemented the addendum under a decree of 29 September 2023. Under the agreement of 24 January 2022, platforms are required to wait 17 months after a film’s cinema release before making it available online, and must withdraw access to it when the free-to-view window...

IRIS 2023-9:1/9 [FR] Initiatives to regulate AI in relation to audiovisual communication and copyright

A few days after the French Prime Minister had announced, on 19 September, the creation of a committee on generative artificial intelligence (AI) comprising a group of experts who will analyse the impact of AI on culture, the Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique (the French audiovisual regulator – ARCOM) launched a fact-finding mission that will examine the role of AI in audiovisual and digital communication, while a bill designed to regulate artificial intelligence through copyright was tabled in the French Parliament. AI technologies...

IRIS 2023-9:1/10 [FR] Audiovisual production investment obligations: first cross-industry agreement with Netflix

On 14 September, Netflix and the professional organisations representing the audiovisual creation sector (USPA, SPI, AnimFrance, SATEV, SEDPA, SACD and SCAM) announced that they had signed a partnership agreement as part of the investment obligations laid down in the so-called SMAD (On-demand Audiovisual Media Services) Decree of 20 June 2021. The decree, which brought the EU’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive into French law, sets out in detail the obligations for foreign on-demand video platforms that target French audiences to help fund cinematographic and audiovisual production. The...

IRIS 2023-8:1/7 [FR] Ahead of the entry into force of the DSA, ARCOM publishes review of resources deployed by online platforms to combat hate content online

On 24 July 2023, one month before the European Digital Services Act (DSA) came into force for the largest online platforms and search engines, the Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique (the French audiovisual regulator – ARCOM) published its 2022 review of the resources deployed by providers to combat the dissemination of hate content online. Based on providers’ observations and reports submitted in response to a questionnaire, the review describes the various tools and procedures put in place to combat misuse of the largest online...

IRIS 2023-8:1/15 [FR] Information processing and controversial issues: Conseil d’Etat highlights the need to distinguish between presentation of facts and commentary, and to allow expression of different viewpoints on air

The company responsible for TV channel CNews asked the Conseil d’Etat (Council of State) to annul two formal notices issued by the Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique (the French audiovisual regulator – ARCOM) on 10 May 2022, ordering it to meet the obligations contained in its licence agreement concerning honesty of information and control of its programmes. The first formal notice followed the broadcast, during the programme “Les Points sur les i” in November 2021, of a sequence in which a professor of medicine,...