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IRIS 2024-6:1/18 [BG] Ban on the advertising of gambling in radio and television programmes

On 14 May 2024, amendments to the Gambling Act were published in issue 42 of the State Gazette. The amendments introduced a prohibition in paragraph 1 of Article 10 against gambiling advertising in radio and television programmes, except for the broadcast of the draws of the state-owned "Bulgarian Sports Totalisator" and the announcement of these draws (point 1), and in printed works and electronic media, including websites (point 3). The motives for this legislative decision are to prevent widespread solicitation of gambling and to protect the interests of minors. The following additional...

IRIS 2024-1:1/14 [BG] Bulgaria transposed Directive 2019/789 and Directive 2019/790

On 1 December 2023, the act amending and supplementing the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act – the Act (Закон за изменение и допълнение на Закона авторското право и сродните му права) was promulgated in the state gazette. The Act transposes the provisions of 1) Directive 2019/789 laying down rules on the exercise of copyright and related rights applicable to certain online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and retransmissions of television and radio programmes; and 2) Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market. To add some context,...

IRIS 2023-8:1/20 [BG] The Council for Electronic Media held a discussion concerning commercial communications in the media

Съветът за електронни медии (the Council for Electronic Media – CEM) held a discussion focused on the topic of “Commercial Communications in the Media” on 6 July 2023. Representatives of Комисията за защита на потребителите (the Commission for Consumer Protection), Асоциацията на българските радио- и телевизионни оператори (the Association of Bulgarian Radio and Television Broadcasters), Националния съвет за саморегулация (the National Council for Self-Regulation), the general directors of Българската национална телевизия (Bulgarian National Television) andБългарското национално...

IRIS 2023-6:1/21 [BG] CEM report on the monitoring of the election campaign for the 49th Parliament

On 27 April 2023, Съвета за електронни медии (the Council for Electronic Media – CEM) published its Доклад за специализираното наблюдение на предизборната кампания за 49-то Народно събрание (Report on the specialised monitoring of the election campaign for the 49th Parliament – the Report). In the Report, the CEM presents its findings following the process of specialised monitoring of the activity of 14 channels of public media service providers and 13 channels of commercial media service providers related to yet another parliamentary election in Bulgaria. The Report also includes...

IRIS 2023-5:1/20 [BG] Draft amendments to the criminal code concerning intellectual property crimes

On 2 March 2023, the Проект на Закон за изменение и допълнение на Наказателния кодекс (draft Act for amendment and supplement to the Criminal Code) was published on the Портала за обществени консултации (Public Consultations Portal). The deadline for public discussion (submission of statements by interested parties) was 3 April 2023. The newly proposed provisions would allow for the prosecution of individuals who create conditions for online piracy. This includes individuals who develop and maintain torrent tracker sites, web platforms, chat groups in applications for online exchange of pirated...