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IRIS 2021-2:1/32 [RU] Fines for Internet companies significantly increased

A new Article 13.41 was added to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences by the Federal Statute adopted by the State Duma on 23 December and signed by the President on 30 December 2020. Under the new law, inaction by hosting providers and website owners (including foreign ones) with regard to the requirements to block access to information banned in Russia or to remove information recognised as illegal in Russia under the Federal Statute “On Information, Information Technologies and on the Protection of Information” (see Iris Extra 2015) shall lead to significant...

IRIS 2021-2:1/33 [RU] New rules on social networks: Blocking permitted

A new set of amendments that expands the scope of the Russian Federation’s Federal Statute “On Information, Information Technologies and on the Protection of Information” (see Iris Extra 2015) to include social networks was adopted by the State Duma on 23 December and signed by the President on 30 December 2020. It entered into force on 1 February 2021. The amendments largely present a new 16-page Article 10-6 to the Federal Statute “On Information, Information Technologies and on the Protection of Information” that regulates several important aspects of activities...

IRIS 2021-2:1/34 [RU] Scope of “Foreign Agents” Law expanded as first journalists labelled as “foreign agents”

A new set of amendments further expanding the scope of the Russian Federation’s Federal Statute of 2012 entitled “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation with regard to regulating the activities of non-commercial organisations acting as foreign agents”, commonly known as the “Foreign Agents” Statute (see IRIS Extra 2020), was adopted by the State Duma on 23 December and signed by the President on 30 December 2020. It entered into force on the same day. It now allows for this label to be applied to ordinary citizens, as well as to public...

IRIS 2021-1:1/1 [RU] Rules on labelling “foreign media agents” enforced

On 23 September 2020, Roskomnadzor, the Russian governmental supervisory authority in media and communications (see IRIS 2012-8/36), issued a decree that approved the standard text and procedure for publishing the imprint of a registered media outlet founded with the participation of a Russian legal entity that performs the functions of a “foreign agent” (see IRIS 2020-1/6). This was a requirement of Article 27 of the Statute of the Russian Federation “On the Mass Media” (О средствах массовой информации), as amended on 2 December 2019. The decree was duly registered by the...

IRIS 2020-10:1/17 [RU] New legislation on infringing apps

Mobile apps that distribute unlicensed content can now be blocked within three days. On 1 October, the law on the possible blocking of applications that violate copyright came into force. According to the new regulation, the rightsholder is entitled to request the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, RKN, to block the infringing application. RKN, in turn, informs the owner of the resource hosting the dubious mobile app about copyright infringement and requires it to be blocked. Within one business day, the resource must pass this information...