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IRIS 2023-7:1/10 [NL] House of Representative passes Bill requiring major streaming platforms to invest in Dutch productions

On 6 June 2023, the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) passed a Bill, which will amend the Media Act (Mediawet) 2008, and require major streaming platforms with an annual turnover in the Netherlands of more than EUR 10 million to invest 5% of that turnover in Dutch productions. The State Secretary for Culture and Media (Staatssecretaris Cultuur en Media) introduced the Bill in July 2022, and originally required major streaming platformswith an annual turnover in the Netherlands of more than EUR 30 million to invest 4.5% of their turnover in Dutch productions (see IRIS 2022-8/16). The Bill...

IRIS 2023-7:1/20 [NL] New decree on untargeted gambling advertising

On 1 July 2023, a new ban on “untargeted” online gambling advertising will come into effect, under the Decree on untargeted advertising of online games of chance. Notably, the new Decree bans online gambling advertising via broadcasting services under the Mediawet (Media Act) , in newspapers, magazines or other printed, publicly available means of communication, and in public spaces. Importantly, however, online gambling licence holders will still be permitted to engage in “targeted” advertising via the Internet or via on-demand media services under the Media Act, where...

IRIS 2023-7:1/21 [NL] Supervisory investigation of video-uploader compliance with AVMSD rules

On 9 May 2023, the Commissariaat voor de Media (Dutch Media Authority ) - CvdM) announced the results of a notable supervisory investigation into video-uploader compliance in the Netherlands, with rules under the Mediawet (Media Act) transposing the revised EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) (see IRIS 2019-1/3 and IRIS 2021-1/24). This follows a high-profile announcement in May 2022 that the CvdM would be monitoring video-uploaders under its new Policy Rule for the qualification of commercial on-demand services in 2022, which clarified which video-uploaders must register with the Media...

IRIS 2023-6:1/16 [NL] Dutch Media Authority rejects request to take enforcement action against broadcaster Ongehoord Nederland

On 17 April 2023, the Dutch Media Authority (Commissariaat voor de Media) rejected a high-profile request from the Board of Directors of the Dutch Public Broadcasting Foundation (Stichting Nederlandse Publieke Omroep – NPO) to take enforcement action against the broadcaster Ongehoord Nederland. This came after the NPO had imposed three separate fines on the broadcaster, including a EUR 131 000 fine in April 2023 for “systemic violation” of the NPO Journalistic Code in relation to the broadcaster’s news programme; a EUR 84 000 fine in July 2022 for an earlier systematic violation...

IRIS 2023-6:1/18 [NL] Dutch government moves to ban apps "from countries with an offensive cyber programme against the Netherlands" on government mobile devices

On 21 March 2023, the Dutch Minister for Digitalisation (Staatssecretaris Koninkrijksrelaties en Digitalisering) announced two important policy measures regarding the use of apps carrying a heightened risk of espionage on government mobile devices. The new policy is based on the results of an investigation performed by the General Intelligence and Security Service (Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst, AIVD) in response to international developments and parliamentary questions submitted in February 2023 (IRIS 2023-4). In particular, on 20 February 2023, the European Commission and the EU...