
[RO] Election Campaign with CNA Sanctions

IRIS 2009-1:1/29

Mariana Stoican

Journalist, Bucharest

Shortly before campaigning ended for the parliamentary elections held in Romania on 30 November 2008, the Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului (national council for electronic media- CNA) took stock of the reported breaches of audiovisual laws and regulations (see IRIS 2008-10: 17).

A CNA press release of 28 November 2008 reported that eight television and seven radio channels had participated in the election campaign at local level, along with 122 television and 204 radio stations at national level. Through their programmes "all these broadcasters ensured media coverage of the campaign throughout the country and provided the candidates with access to election programmes, debates and appropriate advertising spots". During the election campaign, the CNA closely monitored compliance with the rules applicable to the electronic media; as a result of legal infringements, it imposed a total of 133 sanctions, including 15 fines and 114 public warnings.

The press release of 28 November 2008 reported that the regulatory body issued a total of 40 scrisori de atenţionare (cautions) to the national broadcasters for more minor infringements, while more than 50 reclamaţii de la competitori electorali sau de la cetăţeni (complaints filed by election candidates or members of the public) were analysed and dealt with. Further infringements were identified by the CNA inspectors and observers.

The CNA published 20 press releases in November 2008 alone in order to provide the public with correct information during the election campaign. "The CNA considers that, thanks to the new measures, legal infringements were, for the most part, prevented, which contributed to a civilised, balanced audiovisual election campaign."


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.